Community Health Assessment

The purpose of this assignment is to create a Community Health Assessment. The assessment is to be created by the student – based on problems, solutions, issues, and trends that exist within a certain population. The assessment must be 5 full pages. Students will work individually on this assignment. Examples of the population chosen can be a geographic one (i.e.: Atlanta, GA) or a health issue specific one (i.e.: diabetics). Whether a geography or a health issue is chosen, the student must provide a background as to why that community of people is being chosen — write about the problems the community faces in health and the solutions to those problems (all based on literature).
Page 1* – Community Health Assessment overview: location, population, background, purpose for choosing particular community i.e.: who, what, when, where
Pages 2 and 3* – Community Health problems ie: challenges, obstacles, issues, population implications, etc.
Page 4 and 5* – Community Health solutions ie: lessons learned, improvements, changes, resolutions, results, etc.
Page 6: References
*If each page is less than 1 whole page (ie: ¾ of a page), you will lose points. Therefore, please ensure there is substantive detail in the entire 1 page. In summation: there must be 5 whole pages + the references.
Your paper must contain the following:
– At least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Note: Wikipedia is not an approved source.
– Please format your paper as follows: 12 pt. Times New Roman font; double spaced. Please ensure you only utilize normal Word formatted margins. You do not need to include a cover page, but your first and last name should be contained on line 1 of your first page.
– Please spell/grammar check before submission. If your paper contains errors, you will lose points.
– Please format your sources in APA format. This means you will list the source on your reference sheet AND include parenthetical citations within your work where you draw from someone else’s thoughts. Improper APA formatting will result in a loss of formatting points.