Choose any topic related to Homer/The Illiad/The Odyssey

Choose any topic related to Homer/The Illiad/The Odyssey Formal requirements: Paper length is expected to be, though not limited to, ~3 pages long. At the beginning, indicate your name; course; date; paper title. NUMBER YOUR PAGES. At the end, append a short bibliography of the consulted sources (3 entries minimum). In your Bibliography (or References, or Sources): First, list the editions (translations) of the classical authors: alphabetically, by the author′s name and work, accompanied by the name of the translator; the publisher and the year of publication. Next, list the critical works alphabetically by the scholar′s name; the title of the book or article; the journal or publisher; the year of publication. In larger lists of reference, the year is often brought up first (printed under the name of the author on the left side of the page). Whatever is your choice of bibliographic style, be consistent. Throughout your paper: Refer to the passages from classical authors by the author′s name; the title; the traditional line/ paragraph numbers given in your translation. (You may, if you choose, use the standard abbreviations adopted in classical scholarship; not required for term papers.) If your translation does not indicate the traditional lines/ paragraphs adopted in the editions of classical authors, then refer to the book page of your translation. Reference to the classical passages (loci classici) is given in parentheses within the text: do not make a footnote at the bottom of the page. Refer to the scholarly works by the author′s name; the year of publication and the page quoted. Footnotes with critical reference at the bottom of the pages are becoming optional; you may as well refer to your sources in parentheses within the major text. Let the style be your choice. IF YOU QUOTE VERBATIM FROM A CRITICAL WORK, use the quotation mark and INDICATE YOUR SOURCE. (Web-references are getting rather common these days.) Extensive direct quotation with no recognition of the source will be deemed plagiarism.