Goal: To improve your leadership qualities and practices by comparing and assessing mutiple leadership styles. Product: Digital Poster Presentation Format: You will work to analyse and evaluate leadership styles and principles in relation to NMBA standards demonstrating the provision of clinical services by professionals in nursing. Criteria: You will be assessed on: Identification and analysis of leadership styles,

Task 2 PAR 311
•Due Friday 4th of April 2019 by 1600hrs.
Digital Poster Presentation

Goal: To improve your leadership qualities and practices by comparing and assessing mutiple leadership styles.

Product: Digital Poster Presentation

Format: You will work to analyse and evaluate leadership styles and principles in relation to NMBA standards demonstrating the provision of clinical services by professionals in nursing.

Criteria: You will be assessed on: Identification and analysis of leadership styles,

Reflection of personal leadership qualities,

Demonstration of professional behaviours,

Written communication and presentation

The goal of this task is to produce a poster is to improve your personal leadership qualities and practices by comparing and assessing multiple leadership styles.
Digital Poster Guidelines
• Product = Digital Poster final product uploaded in a PDF format.
• Word count = 1000 words including intext Harvard referencing +/-10%. Penalties applied if under or over the word limit
• Reference List is provided and is not to be counted in word count of the posters main content
• Poster orientation – Templates are located below – both portrait and landscape
• Template with instructions in image located below. Poster design MUST be converted to pdf format when ready to submit.
• Excluding Headings, the word font size is to be consistent throughout the poster.
• Font colour, background colour and sharpness, use of poster layout, symmetry and space – these elements and others, will be required as professional artefact and visual appeal.
• Downloadable PowerPoint Template.
• Saving final PowerPoint Template instructions to a PDF format (instructions to save PPT to PDF).
Steps to complete a Digital Poster
Choose the focus of your digital poster
Designing your Digital Poster
10. The poster content and design follow these main headings:
• Poster Title and authors name (you are the author)
• Introduction
• Leadership Principles
• Reflection: Your Leadership qualities and style
• Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia Standards are discussed
• Choose one NMBA standard that you can specifically relate to and discuss this in relation to a clinical experience that you have had involving leadership.
• Conclusion
• Reference List – at least 8 references (current, credible journal publications cited in-text, and the reference list)
Further information to support each section on your digital poster content
1. Poster Title and authors name (you are the author)
2. Introduction: should introduce the focus of the work.
3. NMBA standards: All of the NMBA standards are discussed in some detail.
4. Leadership Principles: General discussion of leadership principles
5. Reflection: Your Leadership qualities and style
6. Provision of nursing clinical services: Choose at least one NMBA standard that you can specifically relate to and discuss this one chosen standard and in relation to the context of one clinical experience that you have had involving leadership and professional behaviour.
7. Conclusion:
8. References – HARVARD reference format. At least 8 references must be included. Journal publications as current, credible references are required to be no older than 5 years.