You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles.

Content:You will write a Position Paper about art and social conflict in the U.S. as represented in a current exhibition or gallery/museum/public art installation or performance art event in Los Angeles. Your choice of exhibition, installation, or performance should fall within the timeframe of the course (1970s to present). Your paper should not be a visual analysis of a single work of art, but rather an analysis of how images, objects, and/or actions work together to create meaning within the context of your chosen exhibition, installation, or performance. In order to articulate your position (an arguable opinion about the topic in question), you will need to conduct research about the artworks, artist(s), exhibition/performance site, and/or their historical and social contexts. In addition to drawing from the course readings and your lecture notes, please use at least five other sources, at least one of which should be a scholarly publication (such as a book, exhibition catalogue, or peer reviewed journal article). Other primary sources might include artist/curatorial statements, interviews, reviews, etc. The paper should be 5–7 pages, not including images and bibliography. All written works will be graded on content, organization, logic, grammar, and the proper citation of sources.

Format and style:

  • 1)  Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
  • 2)  Use citations
    3) You may use either Chicago Manual of Style or MLA format

4) Include page numbers

Recommended Electronic Sources:

  •  ARTstor, One of the largest online digital databases
  •  Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, Encyclopedia of art and artists
  •  JSTOR, Database of a wide variety of scholarly articles
  •  ProQuest, Database of scholarly articles, dissertations & news, etc.