Bank of America


What is the company’s:

mission and goals,
market share, and
financial health (include revenues and profits for the last full year, and any other important financial factors)
corporate talent management philosophy (this is important so do some digging!)
other important factors (current news) regarding the company (check credible sources such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, and Fortune Magazine – all available online)
Tables and charts that illustrate your points are strongly encouraged! Be sure to number, name, and cite all tables and charts. Also, you must refer to them in the body of the paper. (Use number according to phase as in the chapters in your textbook; i.e. treat of each phase as a chapter.) Information on how to number and title tables and figures in APA format can be found in the document (link) at the bottom of this page.

Latest revision comment4/5/19 12:09 am
format: this should have a level 1 heading include a brief introduction about the company prior to launching into the history. History: what about the Merrill Lynch acquisition? mission: what is the exact mission? there should be a quote in this section. Market share: there is no information provided showing the market share for it being the second largest bank in the U.S . Please use IBIS world as reference. Financial – what year were these profits that were discussed?