How does the poet’s stylistic choices (rhyme scheme, figurative language, literary devices) contribute to the overall structure, meaning, and impact of the poem?

Introduce Analytical Summary Research Assignment: Research papers Employing the MLA format, write a 2-3 page essay addressing the question: How does the poet’s stylistic choices (rhyme scheme, figurative language, literary devices) contribute to the overall structure, meaning, and impact of the poem? In your essay: describe how the author’s style and use of literary devices effect the presentation and meaning of the poem and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text and research. Objective: 1. Annotate the Poem 2. Once the annotations are complete, it′s time to write an analysis. *Remember: an analysis consists of facts and commentaries. It is not a summary, a listing of facts, or random, unsubstantiated conjecture. Use the following outline: Review Instructions and Homework Expectations Provide at least two sources in support of your Analytical Summary: 1. Reference 2. Periodicals (Articles) – Brainstorm Ideas – Develop a working Thesis Statement – Bring to class for approval *Review poem, sources, (reference and magazine), and thesis statement for Approval of Analytical Summary Research *Examine Format Outline *Paragraph 1 Introduction – Stating the title of the poem, the author, the poem′s theme, and historical background. – Attention Getter (question, quote, fact) – Strong and Clear Thesis that names the key elements to be analyzed *Paragraph 2 – Statement #1: Topic sentence to begin your paragraph. Surface meaning (what is happening in the poem?) Identify ONE poetic device and discuss THREE examples from the poem. – Evidence #1: Explain how the evidence supports the designated idea. Deeper Meaning (what is the poem actually about?) – Analysis/Interpretation #1: Explain relative significance, expressive ideologies, thematic implications and applications *Paragraph 3 – Statement #2: Repeat – Evidence #2: Repeat – Analysis/Interpretation #2: Repeat *Paragraph 4 – Statement #3: – Evidence #3: Repeat – Analysis/Interpretation #3: Repeat * Paragraph 5 Conclusion – Repeat thesis in different words – Summarize main points – Relate the poem to broader themes in life. What can we learn from it? Work on poetry annotation: Steps to Annotate a Poem 1. Initial reading of the poem. Write any questions that pop into your head while doing the initial reading. 2. Identify any words that you do not understand and look them up. Write the definitions on the poem. 3. Discover and mark rhyme scheme. 4. Count the amount of syllables in each line and mark the number at the end of the line. 5. Identify figurative language used within the poem. Think about the literal meaning of each figurative device. 6. Identify sound devices such as alliteration, assonance, and consonance. How does it impact the text? 7. Identify text that is repeated. Why? 8. Look closely at punctuation. Does it reveal anything about the speaker of the poem? (Example: Does it make them seem rambling, confident, nervous?) 9. Circle any words that are impactful or interesting. Determine connotative meaning. Are their any patterns? What does it reveal about the speaker’s attitude towards the topic? 10. Reread the poem and review the annotation process! Questions you should be able to answer after annotating a poem: 1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. What kind of strategies does the author use to point out the theme? 3. What is the mood of the poem? 4. What kind of strategies does the author use to make the mood clear? 5. How does the figurative language impact the poem as a whole? 6. How does the punctuation/number of syllables/ rhyme scheme impact the poem as a whole?