Rehabilitation Programs as a model of Re-integrating ex-Violent Extremists back into UAE’s Society

Hello, this is my thesis paper that needs to be EDITED:

First 20 pages should include :
– what is terorirsm ?
– make a comparison between general criminals and terrorists.
– do ex-terrorists for example show a different process of rehabilitation or fall-back after release than other criminals?
– Mention rehabilitation programs in the UAE

Add this good case study with quantitative analysis on line wolves, just as an example: (you decide where to add it)

Last 3 pages should include (recommendations for the UAE and how the UAE can use these programs effectivley to enhance security)

You could check out
•EXIT sweden online
• Desistance theory (full reintegration) which is a branch in criminology

Or you could read more on Fergus Mcneill

PS: follow the paper format