Cultural Pluralism

hi, Please follow the instructions on the paper and I’ve attached sample paper I want to be the same format and For each part there are 4-3 questions, for example, part 1 has A, B, C, D. Please remember before you write the answer for each question to put the letter before the answer. For example, I want it to be like this, A) Theory in the Flesh is… B) Angela Davis is…… you just need to put the letter before each answer and Bold and highlight all terms and I’ve attached the books you need.

hi, Please follow the instructions on the paper and I’ve attached sample paper I want to be the same format and For each part there are 4-3 questions, for example, part 1 has A, B, C, D. Please remember before you write the answer for each question to put the letter before the answer. For example, I want it to be like this, A) Theory in the Flesh is… B) Angela Davis is…… you just need to put the letter before each answer and Bold and highlight all terms and I’ve attached the books you need.