Lesson Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to critique and synthesise different elements of a mathematics lesson and explain how they can be brought together in an effective and planned way.

For this assignment, you will (1) analyse and critique a lesson, (2) produce a single lesson plan and (3) provide an explanation/justification of your lesson.

You will create a lesson plan using a previous lesson as a starting point. *You will create your own version of this lesson (see Forum post for clarification). The video shows a mathematics lesson that was filmed as part of the 1999 TIMSS video project. It’s focus was on developing the conditions for congruence of triangles, which is a goal that still exists today in the Australian Curriculum (ACMMG201). This particular goal can be found in the NSW syllabus at Stage 4 in the Measurement and Geometry content strand (MA4-17MG: Properties of Geometrical Figures 2).

Your submission through this Moodle page will include the following two parts in single PDF file:

Part A: A two-page (approx.) investigative lesson plan using the lesson plan template. This may include an appendix such as screenshots and handouts.
Part B: An explanation and justification of your lesson in the context of critiquing the TIMSS lesson.