
1. Take the stage directions from any one of the following plays: Proof, The Crucible, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof or Romeo & Juliet. Make sure you are getting the stage directions (or lack of stage directions) from the script of the play.
2. Choose one configuration (proscenium, arena, thrust, environmental) to stage the play in.
3. Consider all four elements of design (set, lighting, costume, sound).
4. How would you utilize each element of design in three different performing contexts:
-Community (low budget, need to sell a lot of tickets)
-Educational (medium budget, don’t need a lot of box office)
-Professional (high budget, need to sell a lot of tickets)

Example: for a professional production, we may buy all new costumes, whereas for a community production we might get them from Goodwill/ ask the cast to bring stuff in/ use stuff the company already has.