Human Resource Manager: Managing A Diverse Workplace

Paper must substantively address and include….
*Glass Ceiling
*Why Diversity Is Important
*Cultural Competency
*Sexual Harassment
*Employer Liability
*Sexual Orientation
*Changes in the Non-for-profit Landscape
*The Difference between Complying with Laws and Managing Diversity
*Strategic Human Resources Management Implications for Managing Diversity

Paper must be APA, 12 font, double spaced, full citation is expected, with a minimum of 6 academic sources. Cover page, introduction and reference page. Must analyze & apply the fundamental human resources management techniques that are relevant in all aspects of public sector management, evaluate the dimensions of an effective public personnel manager, demonstrate an in depth specialized knowledge of the collaborative role of human resources in a public organization and the community that it serves, and evaluates the complexity of administering personnel in the public sector.