National Security Strategy Terrorist Financing

In December of 2017, President Trump signed the National Security Strategy. That document was a culmination of years of work by the National Security Staff – in its attempt to outline and guide the national security, diplomatic, homeland defense, Intelligence, and military activities within the US Government.

You can find the strategy here:

In Pillar 3, “Preserve Peace Through Strength” – there is a strategic level discussion of “cyberspace” on page 31.

I would like you to critically think-through the National Security Strategy, and more specifically, the areas hat discuss cyberspace.

Imagine you are a National Security Staff Subject Matter Expert, specifically, a staffer on the cyberspace team within the NSS.

Write a 1,400-1,750 word memorandum addressed to the National In December of 2017, President Trump signed the National Security Advisor to the President providing guidance on areas within the National Security Strategy where we may have “missed the mark.”

Include the following in your memo:

— Identify areas in the National Security Strategy which are lacking, inaccurate, or unfocused

— Discuss what changes you would make to the areas concerning cyberspace, cyber-terrorism, etc.

–Critique the focus and content, assess and evaluate by levying outside sources, and provide senior-level guidance and recommendations.

The total length of your two responses should be between 4-5 pages – double-spaced 12-point font.

Additional requirements for the essay:

1) This is a 400-level course, I expect the essay to reflect the work of a skilled, reflective, substantive research essay.
2) Please use no-less-than 4 outside sources to support your recommendations.
3) You will be rewarded for exploring concepts and ideas that are not readily discussed in open source literature.