Self-concept and Self processes of diversity officers in K-12 education This project for the class requires you to propose or conduct a pilot study of a research question or developmental analysis about some topic in self and identity development.

Self-concept and Self processes of diversity officers in K-12 education
This project for the class requires you to propose or conduct a pilot study of a research question or developmental analysis about some topic in self and identity development.
i). Research Proposal: You will identify a specific research question or an educational problem requiring intervention, create a research method or intervention program for exploring that question, and identify how you would research or evaluate this question.
ii). Developmental analysis-An analysis of developmental changes in cognitions and behaviors related to self through in-depth interviews. Ask a volunteer to discuss their life experiences with you. Your questions should provide you with an understanding of their beliefs about themselves, ways in which their contexts of development, their cultural norms and values, their prior life experiences have influenced and shaped their beliefs, including identity beliefs, evaluation, motivations, and emotions about themselves. Write a summary paper incorporating an analysis of the interview within the framework of the readings and class-discussions.
You will report your results in 2 formats: an in-class presentation and a summary following the format of proposals for the American Educational Research Association annual conference. Provide a summary of 2,500 words or fewer (excluding references and title page) that deals explicitly with as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order:
1. Objectives or purposes
2. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework (A brief review of literature that describes a theoretical foundation for your study and leads to the question you’ve chosen.)
3. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry
4. Data sources or evidence
5. Results and/or conclusions/point of view (if possible)
6. Educational or scientific importance of the study
7. A 150-word abstract is required at the beginning of the paper