A Raisin in the Sun

Assignment #1: READ the assigned reading on your Coursework Outline for this Journal.

1. It’s crucial that you read any PPT’s and take notes first. Then, always read and annotate actively. What literary devices stand out? Why?
Assignment #1: READ the assigned reading on your Coursework Outline for this Journal.

1. It’s crucial that you read any PPT’s and take notes first. Then, always read and annotate actively. What literary devices stand out? Why?

Assignment #2: WRITE JOURNAL AND POST – Instructions are different than usual! You’ll have 3 prompt answers to write.

• Revisit Postings and Responses hand-outs, as well as rubrics.
• *Respond to THREE (3) of THE PROMPTS BELOW FOR this Journal.
• Create a one-page-ish single-spaced Journal with three separate paragraphs; each paragraph should be indented and each mustbe 250 words minimum. Shorter or underdeveloped responses or ones needing supporting evidence to back up points will not be given any credit.
• Always include a question in your journals to elicit more discussion.
• *The important parts of the Journal are analytical and personal. Please do not include a summary unless it supports analysis first.
• Post your journal as a Reply and paste your text directly into the thread area.
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• Begin your journal by taking the topic you will discuss and embedding it in your topic sentence (the first sentence of your journal), so immediately everyone knows who or what you’ll be discussing.
• Also, include supporting examples from the text that support your findings. If there are page numbers, include them (MLA Style) as well.
• BE SURE to include a minimum of two direct quotations for each journal prompt posting.
• If you’re not sure how to cite MLA page numbers, you need to look it up. By now, there shouldn’t be any errors, okay?
• **FOR THIS JOURNAL, you must include two direct quotations and MLA styled page numbers along with your supporting evidence for EACH initial posting. Credit will not be awarded for postings missing these direct quotes.
• As well, each direct quote must be profound quotations that support a point you are making. Credit will not be awarded for any direct quotation that is used as part of a summary. If you’re unsure about this point, please make the time to see me during office hours; I’m happy to help.


*Respond to THREE (3) of THE PROMPTS :Prompt Choices – Please do not access any sources in relation to these readings or the author. You may address the entire play here. Thank you.

1. Analyze and discuss Hansberry’s stage directions that occur before each scene and how each one contributes to or detracts to the effectiveness of the play. (Why were the stage directions needed for the audience to understand the plot?).
2. Analyze and discuss Hansberry’s depiction of the main character females in the play and how they contribute to the effectiveness of the story line.
3. Analyze and discuss how the play would be affected without Hansberry including Travis in the story line. How would the plot and other characters’ behavior be affected?
4. Considering the context of the times in relation to Walter’senvironment analyze and discuss whether he essentially is a good or bad guy.