Reliability in Action

This Paper is for a Organizational Behavior Research Methods Course

The focus of this week is on Chapter 12, which goes over multiple concepts. In particular, you’ll learn about the four types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
For example, a nominal scale is one that is categorical; think of labeling someone as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. An ordinal scale is a scale that ranks something – you can use it to indicate your preference. An interval scale is a bit more powerful than the nominal and ordinal scale, because it provides you information about the magnitude of the differences on the scale. An example of an interval scale is a 5 point Likert scale, where you’re saying a 5 is strongly agree whereas a 4 is agree, 3 is neither agree nor disagree, 2 is disagree, and 1 is strongly disagree. On the other hand, the ratio scale is the most powerful of the four scales, because it not only indicates the magnitude, but the proportion of the differences. Whereas an interval scale only indicates that the distance between any two points on the scale is the same, and any identical additions or subtractions will maintain the differences, the ratio scale, because of its true zero origin, also indicates the proportion of the differences. A person with IQ 150 is expected to be two times as intelligent as the one who has scored 75 on the IQ test.
In addition to the four types of scales, you’ll gain a basic understanding of the concepts of reliability and validity. Reliability and validity will provide us information on whether any scale we use is either accurately measuring the concept (reliability) and whether we are measuring what we are supposed to be measuring (validity). For example, if you use a scale to measure happiness, is the scale going to produce consistent results? If so, then the scale is reliable. Is the scale really measuring the concept of happiness? If so, then there is validity.

Now that you have practiced identifying and analyzing reliability threats, have a better grasp of reliability, apply these skills to a resource that you can use for your literature review.

1. Find a peer-reviewed article utilizing the NYU Bobst Library’s database (refer to the announcement with library resources).

2. Then, review the procedures used in the study, and discuss the following:
a. What are the threats to reliability within the study of the article you chose?
b. How did the authors address these threats?
c. How might you address these issues in subsequent studies on this same topic?

3. Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages long. Please write using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA-formatted citations for all sources used.

4. You should include a reference page with your article written out in APA style and format.

5. short video, which describes reliability and validity, because of the examples the
person gives!

6. Also, for this week’s short paper, please discuss the challenges that could prevent / damage / pose as barriers to establishing reliability. Could it be that the measurement used doesn’t truly measure the variable of interest? Could it be that the sample size is too small? Could it be that the participants weren’t paying attention?

Chapter 12 of the Book is attached. (Please read this to cite properly. I can add the page numbers)
The parts of the chapter where I placed start is critical to begin the reading
The article for the paper to be written about is attached

I can alot 12 additonal hour after the 48 point. I need this paper by 4 PM on Sunday, April 7, 2019

Inlcude the source from my article (attached), the book chapter (attached) and any additional two sources you use.