Film Anaylsis Essay using religious film therioes [art 1

INstructions: For your capstone essay, you will write a film analysis that emphasizes the Religious Studies theory that we focused on in class. You will choose your own film with religious content, and then analyze it using the theories and ideas covered in class and present it in a traditional film review. You may also add additional methods of film criticism if you desire. Before writing, you should familiarize yourself with the suggested resources on how to write a film review, but remember our analysis will emphasize the seven dimensions of religion. Part 1 will cover the basic background and information about the film, and should be at least 750 words.The final draft will include part 1, as well as the analysis of the seven dimensions as it relates to your chosen film. The final paper should be between 1500 to 2000 words.

**This is only part 1. This does not include the analysis of the seven dimensions as it relates to your chosen film. Part 1 will be 750 words or more and include the basic background and information about the film, it may, however, introduce the theory(s) that you are going to talk about in part 2 later in the essay.
***The choosen film is 2016 Martin Scrocesse’s ”Silence”.