identify, discuss in concrete factual detail (including approx dates) and give historical significance

Read following quote and answer these questions: Who is the writer? Who is speaking? Who is “they”? What is the issue?

Only reference from Penguin Classics Book: “Thucydides – History of the Peloponnesian War”

Quote: let none of you think we will be going to war over a trifle if we refuse to revoke this decree. It is a point they make much of, saying that war need not take place if we revoke this decree. But if we go to war, let there be no kind of suspicion in your hearts that the war was over a small matter. For if you give in on this, you will immediately be confronted with some greater demand, since they will think that you gave way on this because of fear. But if take a firm stand, you will make it clear to them that they must treat your properly– as their equals.”

Only use above book and no internet sources.