
Prepare a write-up about gasoline to include following points:
• Types and chemistry.
• Properties.
• Specifications.
• Production.
• Market – this section should focus on the country of Mexico and provide information for that country of production volumes, market size, typical refinery product distribution, etc.
• Blending.
• Challenges.
Include Introduction and a conclusion.
It MUST demonstrate the evidence of critical analysis and literature survey to include recent technologies and new research. The book will ONLY serve as a starting point.
The write-up should be 5-page long excluding the title page but including references, figures, tables, etc. No limit on words, but the font must be minimum 11 Arial and 1-inch margins all around.
Use the textbook and at least 12 other relevant, updated and reliable scientific sources for a master’s level.
Textbook: Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics J. H. Gary, G. E. Handwerk, M. J. Kaiser, 5th Edition, 2007, CRC Press.