Brendas got a baby

Required Text: Wilmshurst, L. (2013). Clinical and educational child psychology: An ecological- transactional approach to understanding child problems and interventions.Wiley-Blackwell: MA.

Students are to apply 2 Theoretical Models explored in Chapter 2 and the PVEST Model of Development to the Tupac’s song “Brenda Got a Baby.”
Students will format their papers as such:
First provide a summary of the 2 Theoretical Models chosen from Chapter 2 and the PVEST model. Your summaries of these chapters and the PVEST Model must be exhaustive. This means you should not just use the book and lectures to summaries these theories but explore other sources (i.e. articles and books). Each Theoretical Model and the PVEST Model should include 3 sources in addition to the text and lectures. This should be 3 pages long;

Second provide a summary of Brenda’s presenting problems as you understand them (include risk factors, developmental issues/concerns, socio-cultural issues). This section should a clear rationale based on the lyrics, your clinical conjecture, and what you have learned about development along all dimensions. This should be 3 pages long;

Third discuss how each of the 2 Theoretical Models & the PVEST Model assists in conceptualizing Brenda (how do these theories/models help explain Brenda’s presenting problems; experiences; development; decision-making, etc.). This is different from Section 1 in that here you are going to integrate the theories and Brenda’s life and help me make sense of why her life has ended in the way it has. This should not be opinions. It should be based on the language and rationale of said theories. This should be 2 pages long.