Analyze a passage of The Wars by Timothy Findley to consider one or more larger themes of the novel.

Topic is a starting point for your own investigation. You are expected to develop a thesis supported by textual evidence and argumentation. Secondary resources may be used but are not required. The essay must show a clear understanding of the novel and should include direct quotations from the novel for evidence. Essay should also include strong topic sentences and strong arguments. Arguments should be heavily elaborated and essay structure must also be very strong. All sources must be cited in MLA format and sources should be scholarly articles and essays preferably. The novel itself must also be a work cited in MLA format. I understand this service comes with a free plagiarism report, but I would still like to reiterate the importance of original work in that absolutely no plagiarism will be tolerated. There is no limit on sources, however there is also no minimum. I will also add some links that are useful for summary of the novel and theme(s) that can be discussed.