Family witnessed resuscitation at the Accident and Emergency Department

Acute & Critical Care

Description of Summative Assessment
The assignment for this course is a 1940-word ‘critical analysis’ of a clinical practice issue. One aspect of clinical practice should be selected. Critically appraise the evidence relating to the issue and explore the role of the multidisciplinary team and the impact on patients and their families.
Suggested Assignment Structure The assignment should commence with an introduction, outlining the background and stating the aim. The literature search strategy should be summarised, leading onto the main section within which the literature-base is critical analysed and discussed to address the aim. Conclude with key recommendations for practice and research.

Intended Learning Outcomes
1. Characterise and critically appraise the processes of holistic systematic assessment of acutely ill adult patients.
2. Critically examine the evidence base in relation to current treatment modalities for patients requiring multi-organ support.
3. Analyse factors contributing to physical and psychological morbidity in the critically ill and critically appraise the interventions aimed at reducing occurrence.
4. Critically appraise the strengths and weaknesses of a collaborative approach in the delivery of effective care to the critically ill adult.
5. Critically reflect upon current and future clinical practice and policy in relation to the evolving evidence base.

Topic: Family witnessed resuscitation at the Accident and Emergency Department
Reference Style: Harvard

Latest revision comment4/6/2019 10:05 pm:
I checked the references and saw that many articles were based out of UK, however at the inclusion criteria you include UK studies. like Soleimanpour.
Moreover, many studies include ICU units as well like Brasel’s study.
In adition this paragraph is out of topic as we do not discuss about out-hospital or education of family.
From another perspective, the inclusion of family members during CPR could help save lives in the event of a cardiac… access to specialist equipment.
the critical discussion needs to adress the aim of the barriers of the FWR implementation at ED. Pleade include articles only for ED
04/06/2019 22:21 PM: at the barriers include please lack of policies, organization of the hospital and education.