Hegemony and False Consciousness

Please look at the formulating research topic file and rubric.

1.Formulate a research problem in the field of education to which you will apply either or Hegemony and False Consciousness.
2.State the Purpose of the Study
3.State the overarching (central) research question to mirror your purpose statement
4. Formulate specific research questions using theory contructs
5.Provide a brief overview of the theory. The theoretical overview should include the following information:
– Philosophical, ideological, socioeconomic, or political context that gave rise to the theory
– Proponent(s) of theory
– logical evolution of the theory (if applicable)
– main tenets or constructs of the theory
– arguments used by scholars in support of opposition of theory
– how the theory has been used as a framework in the literature (review 2 studies not older than 6 years)
– how the theory is suitable as a framework for your study
6. Conclusion