samsung smartphone marketing plan

Company name: Samsung
Product: Samsung Galaxy s10

This is my paper requirement:
The paper needs to contain the following information. Please use the following template and include the following bolded section headers in your paper.
Executive Summary
• Company
• Product
Target Market- Discuss the Target Market for the Product, including how you arrived at that Target Market (such as Demographics, Psychographics and Synchographics)
Marketing Mix- Describe the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for the product, including a deep dive on each of the 4 Ps. Please justify how you arrived at your marketing mix. For example, don’t just describe the price, but describe your pricing strategy.
• Product (features that are in the product)
• Price
• Place
• Promotional strategy
Environmental Variables- Describe the Environmental Variables (Competitive/Technological, Social/Cultural, Legal/Political and Economic) that affect the product and any marketing mix changes needed to adapt to the environmental variables.
• Technological/Competitive
• Social/Cultural
• Political/Legal
• Economic

I already made the outline. Please follow it and the paper requirements to do this project.
(this is my professor comments for my outline:
Target market needs work.
Explain what the smart features are
Pricing also included segmentation
Explain place strategy selective?
Environmental variables are way too vague- what political issues? how does changing economy affect you?)

Feel free to change to make the project perfect if necessary.
