Gendered assessments of microfinance have often come up with contradictory conclusions. Critically assess and compare examples of such contradictory findings to explain why this might be the case.

The best way to answer the paper is to look at case studies of microfinance and find points of difference between them and what they have concluded (what it does for gender equality, for example).

We then explain why these differences exist- it could be due to time, methodology employed, research design, methods of investigation used, questions asked by the researcher, etc. Then we EXPLAIN, critically asses and COMPARE between examples- why this might be the case.

Therefore, we find differences in the conclusions and what they have “found” and see whether it is a result of HOW they have have looked for the information.

Case studies can be used outside the ones provided, there are many microfinance cases in Bangladesh. The articles attached are a good starting point for understanding the academic writing style and theories to be employed.