Individual Analysis of Real World Example

Individual Analysis of Real World Example

You are to select a company or organization that has recently had an issue or event happen, which affects, either positively or negatively, the outlook for the firm or organization. Your job will be to help the reader understand the issue(s) affecting the company or organization you selected and how they affect the company’s or organization’s market and non-market strategy.

Your grade on this assignment will be based on the following:

Identification of the new information the company had to develop to understand the issue, what understanding the company developed about that information, and what decisions the company or organization made from it (ways of knowing and deciding),
Presentation of the company’s or organization’s market strategy (note this is not the same as a marketing strategy) including its value chain and market forces acting on the company or organization (Michael Porter’s market strategy, value chain, core competencies, generic strategy market, international strategy),
Examination of the company’s or organization’s nonmarket strategy analysis and identification of the strategies it deployed to address these nonmarket forces. Include in your discussion the various nonmarket frameworks and concepts discussed in class (e.g. 4 i’s, generic political strategies, issue life cycle).
Discussion of how these three strategic functions interact with one another (integrated strategy).
Provision of specific recommendations for future action you think the company or organization should take to address the Issue(s) you identified.
Did you follow the writer’s guidelines.
How well did you use formatting and other graphics to make your report more readable and hard-hitting.
Your use of outside research to support your arguments.

Deliverable – Your analysis should be submitted on Blackboard in Word or pdf format. It should be no more than 8 pages spaced 1.5.