Google’s Cloud Technology for Businesses

Statement of the Problem and Research Question(s):

Significance of the Study:

Delineate the significance of the research, what knowledge will it create, what gaps in our knowledge will it help fill, how will it advance the selected theory or theories, what new research methods will it advance, how the results may be applied to improve existing policy or procedures, etc.—as appropriate for the study.

Provided at least 10 references to support selected topic in the reference area.

Specific Instructions for the Term Paper:

1. Customize the title page for your own paper. This includes editing the “Running Head” in the page header, the title of your paper, and your name. If you don’t know how to edit a header in Word, Google for instructions on how to edit a header in the version of Word you are using and follow the instructions.

2. Add a table of content with an outline of all your major points and subpoints.

3. Write a 150-250 word abstract for your term paper (on p. 2 of the Paper Template). The abstract should be a brief summary of your paper.

4. Add an Introduction

Introduction goes after the Abstract. Be sure the students include all of the following using level 2 heading:

The background of the topic
Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Purpose
Research Questions
Significance of the Study

5. For each major section of the paper, you need to customize the sub-headings. You may add additional sub-headings, as needed, but each section must have a minimum of three sub-headings, except for the Recommended Improvement section, which must have a minimum of five sub-headings. Be sure to be descriptive in your sub-heading names, so that I know what content you intend to cover in each sub-heading.

6. Add your references. 10 references