Secondary School Appeal Statement

i am looking for a 2 pagers substantial statement to put a positive argument to the school and appeal team with the intent of a successful appeal and to secure a secondary school place.

here are the full details and i will enclose all the evidence to support stage2 of the appeal process.

Bucks Grammar school exam score:
134 (qualifying score was 121- bucks don’t count child just need to qualify by getting 121 or above)
Schools applied and rejected for:
The royal latin school- Buckingham
Alyesbury High School
Sir Henry Flyod – in Alyesbury
Reason for rejections: The place i live in did come short of distance admission rule by the following distance
( i am out of county and catchment to begin with- so the admission rule is – 6 Any remaining places are allocated to out of area children according to distance between the family’s normal home address and the school’s nearest gate – straight line distance is used.)
This year The Royal Latin School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 7.629 miles. Your home address is 7.863 miles from the school. This is why we were unable to offer a place.
This year Aylesbury High School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 12.959 miles. Your home address is 13.602 miles from the school. This is why we were unable to offer a place.
This year Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School were able to offer down to the distance rule to a distance of 13.365 miles. Your home address is 13.545 miles from the school.
Ground of Appeal:

All these schools have gone over net capacity in last 10 years and their ofsted or people performance has not impacted and hence i would ask how would it do this year by giving one extra place

headteacher letter around gifted and talented, the recommendation of the suitability of grammar schools
CAT4 report – in the 10% of national level (evidence CAT 4 report)
The child is working with a software company startup company, she had a huge recommendation letter on her ability to help teams on Design thinking concepts (Evidence: Geris software company letter of recommendation)
Programming and algorithmic approach on robotics programming (evidence: Programmes child wrote and her paperwork)
Prepared to move out of the current house and get closer to the schools i am appealing for
Please advise the feasibility or chance of successful appeal and based on that we can proceed to the next steps.
