You will now be composing a Program Evaluation Article Critique on a scholarly source by Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) obtained in TCSPP’s library database on inmates in prison. The Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) article that you will be critiquing is an empirical study, is less than 10 years old, and has the following APA sections (i.e., an Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Evaluation Findings, Discussion, and References). This article is included below along with the sample article by Smith et al. (2015) that was showcased in the Module 6 PowerPoint.

You will now be composing a Program Evaluation Article Critique on a scholarly source by Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) obtained in TCSPP’s library database on inmates in prison. The Debus-Sherrill et al. (2017) article that you will be critiquing is an empirical study, is less than 10 years old, and has the following APA sections (i.e., an Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Evaluation Findings, Discussion, and References). This article is included below along with the sample article by Smith et al. (2015) that was showcased in the Module 6 PowerPoint.

Paper Information

Minimum of 2-3 pages (not including the Title or Reference Page).
Completed in Microsoft Word.
Follow the APA Publication Manual’s writing style and formatting guidelines (use objective 3rd person language),
Include a Title page, text pages, and Reference pages.
You should write at the graduate level, displaying critical thinking, paying attention to cross-cultural and multiple perspectives, as well as focusing on grammar and writing mechanics.

Be sure to include the following areas in your Program Evaluation Article Critique:

Introduction: address the program evaluation research questions;
Methodology: discuss the sampling strategy, program evaluation measures used, and procedural format;
Results: relate the statistical analyses to the program evaluation research questions;
Discussion: address the conclusions of the program evaluation study noting limitations, validity issues, and application to counseling practice
Reference page