You are required to write a 6-8 page paper on Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory. 


To provide students with an opportunity to further understand developmental theory and to apply theory to child development

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain knowledge of developmental principles, theories, concepts related to human thinking, behaviour, emotion, personality, and physical growth
  • Gain an understanding of how culture, biology, and environment influence aspects of development
  • Gain an understanding and appreciation of your own stage in the developmental process

Assignment Directions

You are required to write a 6-8 page paper on Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory.  The paper will have three sections: an introductory paragraph briefly describing Piaget’s theory and your approach to the paper, the body of the paper, and a succinct conclusion describing how the toys/activities you were exposed to influenced your development.


The body of the paper must include four sections (one for each stage in Piaget’s theory: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, and Formal Operational) in which you will:


  1. Describe the theoretical stage, including factors which influence human development.
  2. Explore websites, stores, or catalogues to find one toy that would meet the developmental needs of this stage. Provide a brief description of the toy and how it works. Explain how the toy meets the needs identified by Piaget in this stage.
  3. Recall a toy you played with or a game you played when you were in this developmental stage. Provide a brief description of the toy or game and how it worked. Explain if this toy or game met or did not meet the needs identified by Piaget in this stage.


  • Proper APA citations must be provided for at least three Students may use the textbook as one of their sources.  The remaining sources must be scholarly in nature.
  • Papers that are missing a reference list or in-text citations will not be graded and all papers will be checked for academic dishonesty.
  • Papers must adhere to the APA formatting guidelines set out in your APA Template & Guides on D2L. When formatting your paper, select Times New Roman, 12 point font.  Use one-inch margins (2.54 cm) on all sides of the page and double-space the entire paper.  All papers must be word-processed and submitted to D2L on the due date.
  • Correct grammar (including correct verb tense), sentence structure, spelling, and terminology are expected. You must also eliminate run-on sentences (sentences that do not end or have proper punctuation) and incomplete sentences (fragments).

Marking Criteria – Piaget’s Toy Project

0 1 2 3
Introduction Information provided is inadequate, confusing, and lacks quality.  Does not give the reader enough important information to understand the context.


Partially relevant or inconsistent details give the reader some of the important information required to understand the context.


Mostly relevant and generally consistent details give the reader most of the important information required to understand the context and student’s approach to the paper. Relevant, telling, quality details give the reader all the important information required to understand the context and student’s approach to the paper.  
Piaget’s Stages and Examples (x4) Two or more of the required components completely missing

OR information does not accurately describe applicable stage.


Toy descriptions barely provided or not relevant to applicable sphere. Little to no connection to the theory.


One of the three required components completely missing

OR information partially describes a developmental stage.


Toy descriptions are partially relevant to the applicable stage. Connection to theory may be incomplete.

All three required components provided.


Developmental stage is mostly described with a proper APA citation.  


Past and Present examples are generally relevant and include some connection to the theory.

All three required components provided.


Developmental stage is clearly described and includes a proper APA citation.


Toy descriptions are extremely relevant, and include detailed connection to the theory.

Conclusion Summary is vague and does not include either a topic summary OR  influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion does not provide topic summary OR is missing influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion generally summarizes the topic discussed and includes  influence of toys/activities on development.


Conclusion succinctly summarizes the topic discussed and elaborates on influence of toys/activities on development.  
Mechanics Major mistakes in mechanics and APA format.  Assignment is difficult to read. Several mistakes in mechanics & APA format.  Assignment is somewhat difficult to read. No/Minor mistakes in mechanics and APA format.  Assignment is easy to read.