parenting and child relationship

Guide line for the paper.
• Section 1: The first section entails finding a news article that concerns that particular topic of parenting of the week that is under the textbook attachment chapter. So, for example, if the chapter 11 is about Parenting in Single-Parent Family systems, please find articles concerning parenting in single-parent families. The news article should illustrate how the concept is manifest in contemporary society. Do NOT use articles that are based on informational websites about that particular topic. An example of this would be an article that discusses parenting in single families in much the same manner as the textbook(Bigner, J. & Gerhardt, C. (2019). Parent-child relations: An introduction to parenting 10th Ed. Pearson: Boston, MA.)
, identifying common characteristics and theories concerning that topic.
(need one articles corresponding to chapter 13 topic)
There are several limitations to the article.
-First, the article MUST be recent, meaning that is was published no earlier than January 1, 2018. Articles published before January 1, 2018 will not be accepted for credit. You cannot submit an article that was originally published before January 1, 2018, and then revised after that date. The original article must be published after that date.
-Second, you must attach the article link under the reference/work cited to be able to open the original link articles you found.
-Third, your article should have the date published clearly marked, the source of the article, the topic which article applies to, your name, and lastly, a critical question at the end of the paper related to the articles/topic you wrote about. Articles missing any one of these items will be returned with no credit. For example, the critical question you want to ask should NOT BE “Do you agree or disagree with the article?” OR “Do you believe the article is accurate or not?”
For example, a critical question might ask SHOULD BE, “how do we address this diversity issue?”

Section 2: Writing at least one and half page of summary that includes each chapter and the article you have chosen for that chapter. This one and half-page summary should include a basic summary of the article and how concepts, ideas, theories covered for that topic in the chapter apply to the article( it must apply to the article). In particular you should read the article with a critical eye: for example, does what the author of the article say about parenting in single parent families reflect the research in this area? Do you think what the author proposes is correct or not (support with material from the textbook)? You should question the author’s assumptions and conclusions. This summary needs to be included for each chapter.
3. write few sentence of what you agree with the article and topic of the chapter that is realted to the article you picked and be thoughtful about your responses.
—please follow the strict guideline to write the essay. If not followed the paper will be result in failed grade.–
1 Use the simplest form of a word. 2.Use the simple, common words we use when we speak. 3, use the shortest, strongest, simplest form of verbs. 4. use active rather than passive verbs.
5. do not use foreign words unless you are absolutely sure that all of your reader will understand them
6. do not use any word unless you are absolutely sure that you can define it.
Thank YOU for your help! =)