Policy Issue Analysis

Policy Issue Analysis Case Study for PPA 697 (AY 2018-2019)
The case study for Policy Issue Analysis (PPA 670), “Devising State Policy on Compact Fluorescent Lamps,” is posted on BeachBoard. Students will prepare a comprehensive policy analysis of a public problem involving the benefits and drawbacks of compact fluorescent lamps to recommend a course of action to prevent environmental and health harm. You are in the role of a policy analyst for California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control; therefore, it might help to consider the audience for whom the analysis might be prepared.
Students must follow these instructions, instead of the case study guidelines (pages 11-14) although useful information to inform your analysis is provided on these pages. Students should adhere to the grading rubric below and have clearly labeled sections of the paper. Thorough policy analysis papers generally comprise five to seven single-spaced pages. Final case studies must be submitted on BeachBoard in Microsoft Word format. At a minimum, the paper must include a problem determination, stakeholder analysis, problem formulation, policy alternatives, alternatives assessment, and a conclusion and final recommendation. You do not need to research any outside or additional information for this policy analysis.
Grading Rubric
Required Sections
Instructions and Evaluative Criteria
Problem Determination
Provide an overview and a policy problem statement.
Identify and discuss each stakeholder concerning the problem including their position and relative influence.
Problem Formulation
Describe the boundaries of the policy problem such as the location, length of time it has existed, and events that have shaped the problem. Also, describe the role of government and any other significant policy actors in putting this problem on the public agenda for a policy solution.
Policy Alternatives
Present several policy alternatives (new or the alternatives from the case) including the stakeholders who support and oppose each alternative. Discuss the projected outcomes, and the (a) benefits and (b) risks or costs of each alternative.
Alternatives Assessment
Delineate the techniques or criteria that will be used to analyze the alternatives. Display the results of your analysis to clearly illustrate how the alternatives compare with each other according to your assessment techniques or criteria.
Conclusion and Final Recommendation
Recommend a final policy solution that is based on the results presented in the alternative assessment section and include a conclusion.
Completeness and Quality of Writing
Fulfill the requirements thoroughly and ensure the paper is well-organized with minimal errors.
Total Possible Points