influence of multicultural workplace towards employee satisfaction

1. Initial description of Problem situation (Tip: apply journalistic questions to describe the problem/critical situation. Give examples of the researched problem/situation).



2. Initial purpose (Give an answer to the question: What could be done with the results of my research?)
I would like to have an in depth understanding about how the employees are satisfied with the hotel in such globalised workplace.


3. Provisional problem statement (Please note: Formulate an open question)
What is the influence of multicultural workplace on employee’s satisfaction?


4. List possible topics related to the problem that could be discussed in the literature review, and reference (APA referencing standards apply) some relevant sources (e.g. handbooks & research articles)
Multicultural workplace

Rozkwitalska, M., Sułkowski, Ł., & Magala, S. (2017). Intercultural Interactions in the Multicultural Workplace. Gdansk: Springer.



Misra, R. N. (2009). ∑. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. .


Cultural diversity

Barak, M. E. (2011). Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace. Thousand Oaks: SAGE publications.



5. Present initial ideas for your research method (quantitative/ qualitative research, possible instruments, possible participants (guests, employees etc.), and motivate your choices.
Type of research:  Quantitative.

Possible instruments: Surveys.

Participants: Employees and interns.


Main reason for choosing quantitative research in this case is because there are over 300 employees and by handing out surveys it will gather needed information in shorter period.


6. Commitment of company (Give an answer to the following questions:

Does the company agree on the research topic? Does the company formulate any possible restrictions in regard to ideas about used research method and / or participants? Does the company agree on the use of databases, internal documents etc.?

Yes, they believe is an interesting topic and they agree and are willing to help me out if needed.


7. Time Planning for the Management Project (Please fill in the MP Schedule attached below; red asterisk indicates mandatory fields)