Predator-Prey Interaction Model under Climate Change

Model: Predator-Prey Model
Method: Lot ka Volterra equation
1. Model the developed Lot Volterra equation by change in the form of the model and see its impact on the result of population: For example, snowshoe hare’s re-productivity in winter is zero. The global warm has made the summer longer and winter shorter. Separates the equation into two parts one for summer and one for winter.
2. The report should have 6 parts, Abstract, Introduction, Model and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
3. Refer to this two pieces of references, and contain at least six references in the report.
4. Use of Matlab and Maple language, please attach the code. And put the result such as tablets or graphs in the report.

Two Pieces of References that may use: [uploaded]
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