Critical Response #8 What does the darkness represent in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? What are some of the many ways in which darkness is symbolized in the story? Be specific, and use direct quotations to support your claims.

Critical Response #8
What does the darkness represent in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness? What are some of the many ways in which darkness is symbolized in the story? Be specific, and use direct quotations to support your claims.

Please write a critical response based on this question. Your paper should be 2-3 pages long (meaning at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, with 1” margins using Times New Roman 12 point font, and it should conform to the Critical Response Papers Rubric handed out in class and also available on Blackboard. You must also use at least 4 direct quotations from the novel to support the claims that you make in your paper, cited with parenthetical references in correct MLA format “like this” (Conrad 17).

This paper is due in class on Monday, April 29th.