Engineering. Research Installation of Charging points of electrical vehicles at a business

The Topic is sustainability.

And the assignment outline is to ‘research installation of charging points of electrical vehicles at a business’

The business can be any. But a college or university would be a good choice.

I believe it will be around 5000 words.

Items that will be required for the project write up:

· Strategic Planning

· TQM (Total Quality management)

· Engineering social and ethical responsibility

· Decision making and risk management tactics (business risk assessments, money)

· Technical report writing, investigative field study and appropriate presentation skills

A small break down of items required for the project to hit all the criteria:

· Proposal brief

– Define your chosen topic area and provide plan (gant)

– Provide a written outline of proposal

– Describe how you will do it.

· Planning (basic gannt chart) research plus proposed installation

· Organise meeting

· Services what / when / how

· Stakeholder meetings who are they?

· How you are going to get people to change and accept (managing change)

· Risk analysis (risk of project going wrong)

· Tell the business how to do the project, who to contact how to do it what labour you need etc.

· Change management theory. Back up assignment with this.

· Project life cycle

· Show you can make a decision – come up with options (financial, environmental)

· Show you have used a diagnostic tool such as – (mind

· Define leadership qualities for the project. (someone with good client interfacing skills)

· Qualities a project leader should have – experience etc

· Define project

· Why do projects fail – lack of communication, budgets may change, scope may change

· Reflect at various stages – go back to project life cycle

· Generate a list to tick things off – project life cycle

· What do I require to do the job.

· Paragraph on sustainability, also go into it in conclusion

· Delivery plan

– Detailed breakdown

– Challenges planned and unforeseen

– Assessment of feasibility

– Responsibility for completion

– External & internal pressures , costs impact on other services etc

– Impact on stake holders

– Performance measures

– Project team management strategies

– Start time end time of individual tasks / project

· Motivation – maslow

· Self-evaluation – see what could be done and could I make it better