Grant proposal for Hypnosis related project

Task ● Write a research proposal for a 4-month project
Your task is to write a detailed plan suitable for a four-month research project. The research plan should take the form of a grant application with the following sections: a summary, a rationale section (including relevant literature review), a methodology & work plan (with timeline → Gantt Chart, within the 5 page limit), and an economic and/or societal impact/ benefit section (at least one paragraph). These sections are of equal weighting in terms of importance. You must also provide a reference section. ● The methodology and work plan section must describe the proposed methods and analysis at a sufficient level of detail to enable others to follow the work plan. The proposal must be written for readers with a good knowledge of psychology but who may not be experts in the topic area.
Additional information:

• demonstrate awareness of ethics
• You should demonstrate that you know (1) what data you will get and (2) how you will process and analyse the data.
• You can, of course, propose a qualitative project, but as with any quantitative project you need to identify the gap in the literature and you need to justify your approach/methods/analysis, etc.
• The ‘Societal/Economic Impact’ section needs to be at least one paragraph long, but should not be longer than half a page. The focus should be on the rationale, approach, and methodology
• Plan the time and submit a short written project report (a few pages) at the end of the project
● You provide a strong rationale (theory!) ● You provide hypotheses ● Material & Methods Section ● Define precisely what data you will collect ● How data will be processed ● How data will be analysed (including design of study, what inferential statistical analysis you will use, and why)
Submission format ● The Case for Support must be no more than 5 pages of A4, single line spaced, Times New Roman font size 12 with 2cm margins. You should present a separate Reference section summarizing any additional resources you have cited in your assignment, presented in APA format ● The Reference section does not contribute to the 5 page limit.
Judging criteria for grant proposal
Applicant must be eligible to apply (e.g., based at university, contract that outlives project, qualifcation, …) ● Proposal must fall within the remit of the funder (criteria for specifc calls) ● Proposal must adhere to funder guidelines (page limit, font size, etc) ● Project must be original ● Project must be signifcant ● Project should clearly demonstrate use of sound scientifc methodology (approach) ● Applicant should demonstrate expertise in the feld (can be trusted to deliver ) ● Project should be situated in a suitable research environment ● Project should make benefts for society/economy clear (impact) ● Proposal should provide good value for money, although no money should be requested.

I’m open to any suggestions you may have for research topics incorporating hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Happy to discuss further