Company Websites and How They Market to Consumers

Hello, I copy and pasted the assignment and additional instructions from the teacher below. Thank you for your services!
Review 10 company Web sites within one or two industries. One possibility is to examine Web sites in the travel industry. How do they induce consumers to place an order or book a trip? What seem to be the key elements of a Web home page and the entire Web site which are designed to grab and hold consumers’ attention? Provide suggestion for creating a company Web site that will encourage purchases/orders. How can you assure consumers that this is a good way to buy your product or service? Propose a Web site design for a fictitious or a real company, detailing the critical elements.
Please include an additional listing of any references or supplemental materials used. Feel free to use whichever reference style you prefer. If you reference information from the Web or from any other sources (e.g., journal articles, library books, textbook), make sure that you do not copy the material verbatim (i.e., copied exactly from the original word for word). You should paraphrase (i.e., write in your own words) the information.