Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Article

Watch the “Chess Experiment,” “Future Brain,” and “Early Stages of Experimentation” videos available on the student website. Transcripts to videos provided.

Prepare article for a professional journal for public school teachers on the present and future state of neuroenhancers and transcranial stimulation for all groups of children: challenged, average capability, and gifted.

Address the following in your article:

Provide a brief explanation of transcranial stimulation, including recent research and progress. Distinguish between transcranial magnetic and direct current forms of stimulation

Watch the “Chess Experiment,” “Future Brain,” and “Early Stages of Experimentation” videos available on the student website. Transcripts to videos provided.

Prepare article for a professional journal for public school teachers on the present and future state of neuroenhancers and transcranial stimulation for all groups of children: challenged, average capability, and gifted.

Address the following in your article:

Provide a brief explanation of transcranial stimulation, including recent research and progress. Distinguish between transcranial magnetic and direct current forms of stimulation