Planned Parenthood

****This paper is to be about Planned Parenthood********
****I have uploaded the Dolgoff and Feldstein model, if you need more information, please let me know****

Section 1: Policy History and Social Problem it Addresses (1 to 4 pages)
A. Discuss the history of this policy or program. (E.g. When did it start? How was it created [e.g. by law or regulation]? What do you know about the political climate when the program or policy was enacted? How big is the program in money or participants now and when it started?)
B. What social problem does this policy or program address? (Who does this issue affect? How are they affected?)

Section 3: Policy Analysis (3 to 5 pages)
Use the Dolgoff and Feldstein model (outlined on p. 129 of that reading) to analyze your policy. Follow their outline closely – except their final section on social justice (p. 147-150) as that is covered in section 4 below. I repeat, do not do the Dolgoff and Feldstein section on social justice, rather, address social justice in section four below.
Do not overdo this part of the paper. Some of the Dolgoff and Feldstein items require long answers, but some may be answered with a single sentence. Be concise.

Section 4: Ethics and Personal Perspectives (1 to 3 pages)
A. Read the Ethical Principle on Social Justice in the NASW Code of Ethics.
a. How does the current policy or program support the Ethical Principle on Social Justice?
b. How would you change the current policy or program to better support the Ethical Principle on Social Justice?
c. If you had one minute with a legislator, what would be your recommendation for a change? You should time this to be sure you could say it in one minute or less.

Seven or more empirical or scholarly references not from the course reading list are required. At least three must be articles from refereed journals, others may be scholarly books, program evaluations published on a government website, or other credible sources (ask me if you are unsure). Most .org’s are not credible as they have an agenda. The maximum length of your double spaced paper is 15 pages (of text and references). Follow APA guidelines closely. Strive to be succinct.