For Week 2, you are to submit a written paper that includes your Research Question, a Thesis Statement, and Purpose Statement. It must contain at least eight sources; at least six must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. Length: Three (3) pages. Note: Your title and reference pages are not included as part of the three page content minimum.

For Week 2, you are to submit a written paper that includes your Research Question, a Thesis Statement, and Purpose Statement. It must contain at least eight sources; at least six must be peer-reviewed. The specific research question should be of depth and breadth required for a major project. Length: Three (3) pages. Note: Your title and reference pages are not included as part of the three page content minimum.

Length: 3 pages, double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References: You must use the APA style for this assignment.

Also the professor gave me this information from my previous paper in regards to my thesis statement:
Well done this first week. I like your draft thesis statement, but feel it needs a little more revising to make more concise and specific. See the UNC handout at and review before you revise. You will need this ready for next weeks first paper.

I have attached the previous paper that I have ordered that was the start of this paper. I am also requesting the same writer so that hopefully they can pick up where they left off. Thanks