Bill Research

FYI: I live in Los Angeles, CA in the valley for your reference. The link below is your source.

Go to the following website: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Find one bill that is authored by either your Assembly member or your Senator for the current legislative session. Do the following:

1. Give me the bill number.

2. Summarize the bill in your own words.

3. Give me the history of the bill including dates. Tell me what committees it has gone to and where it is currently. When you find the history you will see that committee names are abbrievated (ex: RLS for Rules committee). Please be sure to replace abbrievations with the full name of the committee.

4. What factor(s) do you think are/were most important to the passage or failure of the bill. In other words, in your opinion, why did the bill pass or fail.