Saadi v Italy case

Oscola referencing, answer only question 1 of 1000 words and question 2 of 660 words. Every requirement is in the brief for each question. About 6 sources from academic resource only lexis nexis library, west law or hudoc. On question 1 do not include Saadi case. On both questions use Chahal v Italy case. So 6 different footnotes and the Chahal case for both questions. On question 1 i have done the research find it attached below. By tomorrow on morning i need a draft of 500 words from both questions please. Thanks in advance.

Oscola referencing, answer only question 1 of 1000 words and question 2 of 660 words. Every requirement is in the brief for each question. About 6 sources from academic resource only lexis nexis library, west law or hudoc. On question 1 do not include Saadi case. On both questions use Chahal v Italy case. So 6 different footnotes and the Chahal case for both questions. On question 1 i have done the research find it attached below. By tomorrow on morning i need a draft of 500 words from both questions please. Thanks in advance.