Planning a winning change project

The term paper should empirically describe an event of organisational change in a public or private project-based organisation of your choice, and analyse the change drawing on theories from the course.

You will need to:
• Briefly describe the background of the company (any information that is interesting but not directly useful can moved to an appendix)
• Discuss the change that was implemented (i. e. what were the drivers for that change? What did it aim to achieve? How it affected the rest of the organisation? (keep it brief)
• Concentrate on the planning phase of the change project from inception to delivery (i.e. were the key stakeholders involved, when? Which communication systems were used? etc.)
• Discuss the main learning points (what was done well and what could be done better? Were the specifics of a project-based environment considered?)
• Come up with recommendations (how would you have gone about making that change?) based on the theories of organisational change covered in the lectures and the literature you reviewed (preferably beyond the list of suggested references).
Your paper should demonstrate:
• Insights into practical applications – e.g. use of facts and practical examples to illustrate your arguments.
• Academic objectivity and a well-argued approach to the subject matter.
• Creativity in structuring your ideas.
Paper Structure
– Introduction
– Main body
– Conclusions and recommendations
– Reference list (not included in word count)
– Appendix (optional, and not included in the word count)