Art Therapy

Write a 4-page essay on any topic discussed in class, concretely any important issue/s for you related to any topics from our class materials and readings. Create an integrated description and query into your self-chosen topic. This essay is due 15/4. The essay will not be presented in the classroom. Please submit via Canvas assignment upload. General points to include in your creativity essay:

-Personal statement (the author’s interest in the subject)

-Your experience with this subject (or the future experience you wish to gain about it)

-Arguments and points about how the focus of your essay relates back to class materials and experiences

-Some history to the subject

Evaluation criteria for the essay:

5 points for clarity. The essay should be readable, with ideas clearly expressed.

5 points for organized content and cohesion. The content of the essay should be pulled together.

10 points for integrative application of course content. The essay should relate back to class materials, readings, and experiences.