(Nursing) Complex surgical patient: PLAN OF CARE (surgical patient complications, sepsis, respiratory distress)

Assignment video link: https://vimeo.com/329090293

Type: essay (in report format, pls use headings and subheadings)
Length: 6 pages (1800 words)

hi, there

if you get stuck with idea, you can just imitate the past paper I provided. (just remember to paraphrase and reference list not too similar, i have also uploaded the comments & feedback, just follow the suggestion to revise those mistake.

for example
1. we should provide introduction in the begining (around 100 words)
Briefly introduce patient’s background ( 100 words)
-Which patient I chose
-what are the two problems I have identified in this case
a. potential problem: sepsis
b. actual and potential problem: respiratory distress
the 2 main problem will be discussed in the report and form the idea of patient’s care plan.

if you need me to find the reference for the underlying pathology, pls kindly let me know.
