Postmodernism vs Modernism

You will choose one of the following topics to complete. Write an opinion paper of 500–600 words. Be sure to identify your texts and your examples clearly by citing your sources and creating a Works Cited page. You must submit both a rough draft with edits and a final copy. Save your work until you submit it at the end of Lesson 15. Remember, these are topics, not thesis statements. You must decide for yourself how to take the topic and turn it into a thesis that you can defend.

You will choose one of the following topics to complete. Write an opinion paper of 500–600 words. Be sure to identify your texts and your examples clearly by citing your sources and creating a Works Cited page. You must submit both a rough draft with edits and a final copy. Save your work until you submit it at the end of Lesson 15. Remember, these are topics, not thesis statements. You must decide for yourself how to take the topic and turn it into a thesis that you can defend.