Mechanical Behaviour of Natural Fibre Reinforced Hybrid Composite

1.4 Aim(s) and objectives

The aim of this project is to investigate mechanical properties of natural fibre as well as their performance in a composite material. Secondly, we aim at commingling of natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre to produce hybrid reinforced composite for mechanical testing.
The objectives are to be able to:
i) Classify and define natural fibres and composites
ii) Identify the applications of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites
iii) Investigate the mechanical behaviour of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
iv) Investigate the manufacturing processes of the natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
v) Investigate and analyse mechanical tests of natural fibres and reinforced hybrid composites.
vi) To produce a new material for mechanical testing by mixing natural fibre with conventional glass and carbon fibre.
vii) Evaluate the project and conclude the outcome of the project

NB. Please note this project was done by testing materials and commingling of three materials . This is the final part of which all the tests have been done and all the results obtained have been documented in the attached file. I have done tensile testing on Jute, Carbon Fiber and the 2 composites I made which I named C1 & C2 . I have also done Three-Point Bend Test on all except Jute . All the tests were done using the same testing machine as shown in attached document and in pictures in the main document. I have included all the measurements of all the samples tested and all the results obtained are shown in graphs. I have also included files with excel results if needed. As I would like calculations to be done and then the use of referenced results to be used to compare my results and then finally analyse , evaluate and conclude the project.