Write a “DEEP THINKING” essay based on the research from the “3” sources we used on class. Either choose Do you think Makandol was a villain or a hero? “OR” Compare the Hatian Revolution and the American Revolution.

The essay must be a minimum of 785 words typed in MLA format using Times Roman (12) Font. You MUST use the 3 sources used in class to write your essay. here are the sources we used. Note: in The Black Jacobians we only are suppose to use pages 3-26, not the entire book. 2 sources are attached and the other was found on you tube as a film. It is called Egalite for All. https://www.youtube.com/watch?

The essay must be a minimum of 785 words typed in MLA format using Times Roman (12) Font. You MUST use the 3 sources used in class to write your essay. here are the sources we used. Note: in The Black Jacobians we only are suppose to use pages 3-26, not the entire book. 2 sources are attached and the other was found on you tube as a film. It is called Egalite for All. https://www.youtube.com/watch?