Business – Management Practice

most of the details of the essay are attached below where you will find the detailed description of the assessment . It is mainly based on Management, role of middle manager, discussion between leadership styles and organisation culture in Unilever , there are 2 parts to it, you will understand it once you have a look in the assignment plan that I have attached below. I have also attaches some lectures slides if that could be of any help. Lastly, I would like to thank your for doing this.

most of the details of the essay are attached below where you will find the detailed description of the assessment . It is mainly based on Management, role of middle manager, discussion between leadership styles and organisation culture in Unilever , there are 2 parts to it, you will understand it once you have a look in the assignment plan that I have attached below. I have also attaches some lectures slides if that could be of any help. Lastly, I would like to thank your for doing this.