Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics”

Unlike Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics” is not ambiguous in terms of the zeitgeist that produced it. It is clearly Post-Modern, meaning that it is a fictional work that is dark and without hope.
Write an five paragraph essay discussing Carver’s work as POST-MODERN in ONE of three ways: as a revision of a Biblical myth (please research this on line), as Post-Modern in its use of length, subverted punctuation, and open ending, OR as a work Post-Modern in terms of its symbols. Remember that each paragraph needs to be 5 to 7 sentences long. Unlike Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics” is not ambiguous in terms of the zeitgeist that produced it. It is clearly Post-Modern, meaning that it is a fictional work that is dark and without hope.
Write an five paragraph essay discussing Carver’s work as POST-MODERN in ONE of three ways: as a revision of a Biblical myth (please research this on line), as Post-Modern in its use of length, subverted punctuation, and open ending, OR as a work Post-Modern in terms of its symbols. Remember that each paragraph needs to be 5 to 7 sentences long.